Let's Begin

Has your employer asked you to work from home for a while? Here are a few helpful tips to remain productive from home!

1. Plan out your day, just like at the office With lines blurred between our personal and professional lives, the key to being successful when working from home is implementing a routine. Try your best to start work at the same time every day. If you plan on running errands or doing some chores around the house, make sure you do them in the morning before you start working. And, at the end of the day, if you can, go out for a walk. The idea is to create a separation between your personal and professional lives.

2. Take breaks Stepping away from your screen can be even more challenging when you work from home. But don’t forget how important it is to take breaks to avoid having a burnout. Schedule a few breaks throughout the day, and don’t forget to allow yourself a 30 to 60-minute lunch break.

3. Set up your work space If possible, the best solution is to set yourself up in a room where you can isolate yourself, close the door and avoid distractions. Also, the actual action of moving to your workspace is very important. It sends a message to your brain that it’s time to get to work! If you’re unable to manage that kind of setup, choose a spot that will become your remote workspace. Gather everything you need: laptop, mouse, headphones, phone, files, notebooks, etc.

4. Good posture is key In-office workstations are usually properly adjusted. At home, it’s a different story. Maintaining good posture can quickly become a major issue. Spending an entire day sitting on a couch is a sure ticket for a visit to your chiropractor’s! Do the best with what you have and keep in mind these basic rules: keep your back and neck straight, adjust the screen to your eye level, keep your shoulders in line with your body, and keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle.

5. Stay in touch! When working from home, it’s important to take the time to communicate properly. Share your schedule with your colleagues and your superiors, and let them know how your work is moving along. Another critical factor is visual contact—make sure to make time in your schedule for face-to-face exchanges. There are some really great communication tools and platforms (such as Microsoft Teams) available for this.

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